Everything from a single source – that is MEIKO GREEN Waste Solutions. Our professional logistics partners operate modern and efficient vehicle fleets directly in your vicinity. The high-quality biomass is collected either on call or at a specified frequency by tanker trucks. An efficient and clean solution, because the suction tanker both empties and cleans your collection tanks. With each collection round, large quantities of biomass are transported to biogas plants where it is used to generate energy as well as to produce fertiliser.
Compared to conventional waste collection in buckets, the number of collection runs – and thus CO2 emissions – are reduced by up to 90%. (photo: collection station with suction and reciprocating gas lines)
Biogas plants operate best with the high-quality biomass, which as a rule is free of extraneous matter, as a co-substrate in the fermentation process. Especially by the delivery in liquid, pumpable form. This guarantees efficient handling. After sterilisation, no further processing is necessary and the biomass can be fermented directly: The most ecologically sustainable utilisation of biomass from kitchen waste and leftovers. Now over 80% of the volume can be decomposed and transformed into CO2-neutral energy. The remaining solids are used as fertiliser or fuel for further energy production. The wastewater from the process is returned to the environment via sewage treatment plants. That is real sustainability.